
There's Nothing Like Homemade Bread

Recently I was lent a cook book about Artisan bread. In it is a VERY simple recipe for bread dough.

The best thing about this bread dough is that it is used as pizza crust, pizza buns, cinnamon rolls, baguettes and bread! Its grand.

It is SO easy to make and the method is simple as well. When I first made it, I could not believe how easy it was, and I wondered why I had not done this before.

I am addicted to it!

Is there anything better then the smell of fresh baked bread? Okay, maybe one thing. The TASTE of fresh baked bread, still warm with butter. Mmmm....

Here is the main idea behind the bread.

1) warm water, yeast, salt and flour. No added sugar!

2) A mix master with the dough attachment

3) A container with sealable lid

4) a pizza stone (or something similar) as well as cornmeal,(or something similar) to make it easy to slide off the surface (something "edgeless" like a pizza peel or wooden cutting board) onto the hot stone.

5) a container in which you place a cup of HOT water into to create steam.

Once you have the dough made (did I mention NO KNEADING?!), let it rise for about 2/3 hours. Then place it into the container. This dough can be refridgerated up to two weeks because it is so moist. Then just grab a handful as you need it (not to be confused with KNEAD.)

Once you are ready to make your loaf, just grab a pound of dough from the fridge (1 pound resembles a large grapefruit.) and let it rise for about 20 mins. Shape it, throw it in the oven for about 30 minutes (this is where you place the hot water into the container to create steam. As soon as you pour in the hot water, quickely shut the oven door. This assists in making a divine crust.) and then voila! You have the most wonderful loaf of bread.

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